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Project 1: Gathering

Updated: May 4, 2022

Artist statement:

Throughout this first project I decided to focus on a small issue within our modern world, hostile architecture. The definition of hostile architecture is to design public spaces in a way that stops unwanted behavior. For example public spaces such as parks or streets will put spikes on benches or will create block like sculptures disguised as public art that are actually meant to prevent people from doing unwanted activity. The types of unwanted activity can range from things like skateboarding, biking, sitting, eating, sleeping, or even running. But as a person these are some of the most enjoyable things to do. Not only does this style of architecture and sculpture prevent people from this unwanted behavior but it also prevents people from gathering inadvertently.

This art piece shows the importance of enjoying outdoor spaces and gathering within them as well as using these beautiful public spaces for enjoyment. I used pictures of parks and activities that should be promoted within public spaces (such as walking, playing music, eating, painting, and napping) and glitched them to represent the destruction of these gathering places within urban centers. For the still images I took pictures of empty parks or beautiful areas that were no longer being used. I used Photoshop to cut out and alter different rectangles to make the image look extremely glitched. I use these straight lines to represent the hard angles used in hostile architecture sculptures and placed them in front of these images making the parks look almost unrecognizable. Because of these rectangles overlapping, the parks looks unusable and not inviting. Hostile architectures goal is to make people uncomfortable so they won’t stop or rest in public areas.


Glitched Photos

data mosh video

Twitter Bot

Jessica, an angry woman that hates the idea of the public using public spaces:



"origin":"origin":["#Terrible#. #Today# I saw #people# #action# in the #place#. #How disrespectful!#", “The #government# is using mind-control on #Americans#!”, “don’t #action# in the #place#!”, “#people# are so entitled and rude nowadays #emoji#”, “#people# #emoji#”, “stop going to the #place#”, “we must stop #people# from going to #place#”, “i am angry today #emoji#, “I saw #people# #action#. No care in the world for anyone but themself’s!”, “#hate#”, “don’t use public spaces”, “don’t gather in public spaces”],

"people":["teens", "kids", "youths", "delinquents", "my neighbors", "Ms Miller", "Mr Robberts", "Gardeners", "Workers", "those new people", "the new people", "Jennifer Lopez", "the neighbors son", "senior citizens", "Steve Martin", "Steve McQueen", "Steve Carell"],

"action":["Gardening", "skating", "running", "dancing", "sleeping", "shopping", "planting flowers", "laughing", "mowing the lawn", "drawing", "eating", "biking", "Walking their dog"],

"place":["house", "house next-door", "mall", "park", "plaza", "community", "neighborhood", “garden”],

"Terrible":["Terrible", "horrid", "I don't like you people", "uhg", "My my!"],

"How disrespectful!":["Terrible", "horrid", "I don't like you people", "uhg", "My my!"],

"Today":["Today", "Yesterday", "Earlier"]

“Americans”:[“Americans”, “People”, “me”, “us”, “the people of America”, “patriots”, “veterans”],

“Government”:[“government”, “HOA”, “ACF”, “BEP”, “BEA”],

‘Emoji”:[“😠”, “🤬”, “😡”, “😤”, “🪠”, “💩”, “😾”],



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